Our Commitment to your Privacy
PiersideParts.NET does not sell, trade, give or rent any personally identifiable information obtained from you to any third parties.
Why do we gather the information and how will we use it?
- To fill orders and process payment when applicable.
- To communicate with you for the purpose of answering questions and/or pending orders/designs.
- Occasionally, we will send you e-mail communications to provide information which we think you will find useful, including information about new products and services from It is our policy only to send e-mail to customers who wish to continue receiving such information. In every such e-mail, we will also have instructions on how you may unsubscribe from the e-mail list so that you will not receive any future e- mails if you do not wish to.
Security: Is my information safe?
When you place orders or access your membership information, ALL information is encrypted and uses a secure server. All of the data we collect is protected by state-of-the-art 'firewalls' against unauthorized access.
This site uses a Thawte SSL123 Certificate to offer secure communications by encrypting all data to and from the site. Thawte has checked and verified the site's registered domain name. This information is included in the SSL certificate that was issued. This enables you to check the site's validity yourself. Always check a site's certificate before entering any sensitive information.
On October 27, 2010 met the PCI data security requirements by passing a SecurityMetrics® Site Certification vulnerability scan. is tested quarterly to ensure that high security standards are maintained, which significantly reduces the risk that this site will be compromised and credit card or other sensitive data will be stolen or misused.